Do you want your story or do you want a baby?

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Do you want your story or do you want a baby?

Harsh I know. But if you can hear me out, you will become unstuck.

You will finally move in the direction of what you want.

Your womb is for creation. To hold a life to birth it.

Did you ever consider that you will be using your womb energy to birth a story instead of your baby?

What have you placed in your womb of creation?

A story of struggle? Of always being abandoned? Fears of pregnancy or infertility?

What you put in your womb will develop and will grow.

If you feed the story more, it will continue to grow to have a ‘life of its own.’

And that will take up all of your creational energy.

All of your time and your resources.

In fact, it will suck all of your resources, your money, your body health, and your self-love.

It will become a life of what you created.

One that will continue to pull and pull and it will never end.

Until you decide that it was not what you want to create.

That you will start fresh.

And I mean, truly fresh.

Like my client, we will call her Charlotte. Charlotte came to me mid 2019.

During my initial fertility assessment, she outlined her heartbreaking fertility journey.

Over 5 long years, prior to coming to see me, she told me that she had 2 unsuccessful rounds of IVFs, multiple rounds of IUI and 6 miscarriages!

Her longest pregnancy was 13 weeks, her body just couldn’t hold a pregnancy.

Thousands of dollars later, heartbreak and little support.

She didn’t know where to turn, and if her dream of having a baby was just ‘not meant to be’ for her.

She came to me highly recommended from another client.

On basic physical assessment, the only factor that may have been affecting her ability to become and stay pregnant-her thyroid was finally balanced, so that should not have been the issue.

Her body simply could not hold a pregnancy, but there was no ‘explanation.’

She told me that at this point, she only wanted to try the natural approach, no more cold clinics, tests and countless appointments.

After our assessment, I told her where she needed to focus (such as the particular foods, supplements etc, all outlined in the Angel Fertility program).

I told her that we would be doing acupuncture/Reiki twice a month, in line with her cycle. One prior to support her ovulation and the other to support her lining.

In doing so, I could work on her energy blocks and heal her womb of the trauma of her multiple pregnancy loses.

This would also bring in the nourishing, and much needed qi, to help her ‘hold her lining’ to maintain a pregnancy once it was achieved!

It would also open up her womb and change its story of trauma, disappointment and loss.

At the end of our assessment, I acknowledged her all she had went through, all of the pain and anguish.

I told her that is all over, you are with me now.

She was under my care and direction. She needs to start afresh, anew.

So that she can re-write her story. One that is full of the wonder of becoming a mother.

One that feels supportive and loving.

After 7 months in my Angel Fertility program, aux naturelle, she came in ‘glowing’ (I actually see that glow people speak of) elated that she was pregnant!!

She was nervous of course, but I reminded her, that is NOT the story we are writing! I would walk with her every step of the way throughout her pregnancy.

We continued her acupuncture and Reiki treatments, bimonthly to continue supporting her body and keeping her stress down (as cortisol works against the much needed progesterone that is needed for a pregnancy).

When the pandemic hit, I was not able to do acupuncture in person for her, so we kept our bimonthly appointments, where I would check in on her, talk about how she was doing, and also do an energy assessment and do distant Reiki healing. I would gently cocoon her and her baby to protect them from all outside influences at this time.

She carried full-term and had a healthy baby girl!

Her story had been re-written!

And yours can be too!

If you have been struggling in your journey, are feeling angry or hopeless. This is the energy that you are putting in your womb of creation.

When you work with me, you start afresh. You start anew. Just like Charlotte did.

We will re-write your fertility journey. It will be a wondrous and joyful one. Full of warmth, support and love.

This is the new energy that you will place in your womb of what you desire.

Not what you fear, not what has been, not of your struggle.

You may not want to do this as it will feel like it would have been all for nothing.

And that is the illusion.

This story was just showing how powerful you really are.

It was just built on a misunderstanding of energy.

Nothing less and nothing more.

Choose from this moment forward, your baby.

And the story that you want to create, together.

Put down this book and pick up a new brand new one.

Open it up and start writing in it with fresh eyes.

From the eyes of a mother. 

Write the journey you really want to have.

One that you dreamed of, one that you really long for.

Know it. And follow where it takes you.

And it took you to find me. 

Join my Angel Fertility program. 

Let's rewrite your story, today!

Fertility program from Dr. Stephanie Farwell Naturopath, Bowen, Reiki (stephaniefarwellnd.ca)

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