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When most people hear or even learn about detoxification it is almost always related to cleansing the various body’s organs via nutritional and herbal or homeopathic drainage routes. Spring is an ideal time to undertake these detoxes, which I will do a future blog about. However, I have noted that detoxification of one’s environment and mental/emotional body are not covered extensively. These aspects also directly affect one’s well-being substantially. So I put a list of various detox ideas outside of diet and supplements/herbs to help you to produce a healthier overall environment for your wellness.

5 Ways to Detoxify Your Life:

  1. Reduce, donate and Recycle: a great way to re-set and to detoxify one’s home is to look through all of your belongings and reuse, donate or recycle items that you no longer use and are simply taking up your space and focus. I tend to go room to room and assess what I never use anymore, and what I feel no longer serves me. I will collect each item and donate them. My closet would be a great example. Most people will go through their closets with the change of season and store the past season’s wardrobe. Before storing it, go through each piece and honestly determine whether or not you wear a particular piece anymore, or if it just takes up space in your closet. If you have not worn it for the entire season, it is time to set it free! This exercise can seem daunting at first, but you will feel relieved after you are done! Sometimes, as a bonus, I can become reacquainted with old pieces that have been buried in the closet that I had forgotten about. I am also able to sort through my wardrobe to see what I may be missing, or that I need to add to make it more complete.
  2. Go through cleansers and soaps to ensure they are natural and non-toxic. I have used only natural cleansers over the years due to my concern about the possible adverse effects that using toxic cleansing products can have on myself and my family. I have also purchased a steam mop so that I do not need to use any toxic products to cleanse my floors. If needed, I simply use vinegar as a disinfectant or essential oils such as Doterra’s On Guard.
  3. Mental cleansing can be done with seemingly simple changes, but simple does not mean not profound! Taking time to go outside every day. Breathing in fresh air and taking in nature. This does a great job of calming the nervous system and resetting the mind.  Walking in nature is an effortless form of meditation. You don’t have to do anything, just BE.
  4. Emotional cleansing can be done in various ways. One that you can do for yourself is to start a journal. I feel that this has become a lost art. It can be a very effective way to purge your feelings and to even sort through them. It gives you an avenue of expression, particularly if you are not comfortable talking to a friend or even a counselor (though I encourage this as well!). Go out today and buy a journal with the cover and feel that you fall in love with! Put it in the spot that you sit or meditate prior to sleep. Write in it before going to bed to clear the mind and allow the nervous system to rejuvenate during your sleep cycle. Do not cycle through all of your unsolved and undealt with thoughts and emotions during your sleep. Put it on paper and off your mind!
  5. Do a huge spring clean! I feel so much different when the winter snow starts to melt and you can sense the spring will be coming soon! I always have an extra boost of energy and clarity around this time of the year, which gives me the initiative to clean almost every nook and cranny of my home. Cleansing a room can really clear out the energy and enhance the feel of a room, especially if you open a window while you do so. I also tend to burn incense, such as sweetgrass, to bring in a positive energy and feeling to my home. After cleaning my rooms, I also try to put items back in their ‘proper’ place. I find that when you have an organized room, the energy of the space is much more nourishing. My husband refers to me as a ‘picnicker’, so I have to be particularly mindful of this. Spring is a great time to start off on a fresh start! Also, reorganizing as needed if your system is not working well for you in the long run. If you don’t know how, I find YouTube is a great platform to find helpful videos or companies, such as Clean My Space, that give you great tips!

These are just a simple list of things that you can incorporate into your detoxification schedule to ensure that all aspects of your being, and environment are being addressed during your cleanse. If you want more tips and how to do a detox involving nutritional changes and herbs or homeopathics, please contact me at info@stephaniefarwellnd.ca or 519-954-9168. Also, refer to my website for other blogs related to this topic at www.stephaniefarwellnd.ca/Blog.


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