The Fastest Way to Lose Fat without Cravings, Willpower or 'Magic Pills'
Never Give Up Your Morning Latte, Chocolate or Your Sanity Again!
Let's Rewind A Bit...
Right now you're frustrated (and you should be). You're doing your best: eating healthy & getting exercise in when you can, but it
doesn't seem to matter.
The number on the scale isn’t going’s going up!
PROBLEM: You keep gaining weight (or not losing) and have no idea why.
Let me tell you something very, very important: It’s NOT ABOUT YOU.
It’s not your lack of commitment or willpower.
It’s the 'healthy' food that you’re eating and the time wasted on the wrong type of exercise!
You are literally creating the perfect storm of weight gain and you need to stop (more on this later).
You do your best to eat lightly. You know the more you eat the bigger you get. But you're really hungry and just don’t have the
willpower to be ‘good’ day in and day out. Especially by about 9pm.
You've wasted money on gym memberships, spending what feels like hours on the frustrating elliptical. It just makes you tired &
You actually hold your breath every time you zip up a pair of pants you haven’t worn in a bit and say a silent prayer that they still
do up.
You just feel really uncomfortable in your own skin-if you look too closely you don’t recognize yourself, so you avoid mirrors.
I know how draining it is to spend your life ‘hiding’ in baggy clothes, because I did that for WAY too long. I spent a small
fortune on new clothes convinced if I just found the right outfit my problems would disappear. It didn't work.
We all have insecurities but weight is one of the hardest to shake. You can't leave it at home, hide it under makeup or cover it up.
It’s always there in plain sight, ready to pop up in the WORST situations (like the change room of your favourite store. We've all been
there: change room meltdowns are the WORST).
It’s exhausting to keep trying and failing and you get so sick of dieting. You slowly build up layer after layer of indifference. You
tell yourself you don’t care (but secretly you do-I know, because that was me).
Because it’s NOT JUST your weight or your reflection in the mirror. It’s not even how you feel naked. The truth is, aside from the
way you LOOK it’s also about the way you FEEL.
You’re exhausted. You feel terrible from the time you drag yourself out of bed in the morning, until you crawl back in at night and try
desperately to get to sleep. You LIVE off of coffee & pop (anything with caffeine), hit a complete WALL by 3 o’clock and CONSTANTLY
crave food like chocolate, chips, cheese & popcorn.
Your body aches in places you didn’t know existed, while your moods are all over the place and you walk around with a mini pharmacy in
your purse (Advil, Zantac, Tums, etc etc etc). You’re also so bloated some mornings that your pants literally won’t do up.
Whenever you try to make a change and start going to the gym, you feel like everyone is judging you for not being in shape. It's
embarrassing, plus it doesn't work, so you stop going.
Listen-I know you’re telling yourself exactly the opposite but THIS IS NOT NORMAL.
There is NO SHAME in trying to lose weight to feel confident, healthy, vital and sexy again.
Hi! I'm Stephanie. It's so nice to meet you!
I’m a mom and an entrepreneur, Naturopathic Doctor, Bowen Therapist and Reiki Master, and the founder of the Goldilocks
Method. I teach women who just want to lose weight (and are sick of all the misinformation out there) a simple way to eat that
doesn't involve giving up your morning latte, chocolate, your sanity or anything else that makes life worth living.
I know you’ve done this before. That you used to get EXCITED about every new ‘diet’ or shake, really believing that this was
You definitely didn’t become a cynic overnight.
But it did happen and now you're stuck: skeptical of every new ‘miracle’ diet (you should be).
You're afraid of investing in another program and failing, but even more afraid of gaining more weight.
In spite of stressing out over everything you eat, skipping breakfasts (and the occasional lunch) and living off of coffee or smoothies PLUS
spending what feels like hours doing cardio your weight just won’t go down.
If only you could be one of those women who carries their extra weight in the hips or the butt. But no, you have to carry yours right around
your belly where it’s the hardest to hide (there’s a reason for that and it’s NOT just genetics).

So-what’s the missing link?
First of all this isn’t just random.
Fact: I learned that you can’t lose weight if your blood sugar's a mess, your hormones are completely out of whack and your body is
holding on to EVERY SINGLE POUND (plus adding more monthly)
Fact: The LESS you eat while on a diet the LESS energy your body burns every day (it’s called self-preservation) and the MORE you crave
unhealthy junk foods (because you’re creating blood sugar issues). It’s not a case of willpower.
Fact: Trying to fight biology is why diets fail.
It’s not you. It’s not your lack of commitment or willpower. It’s the food that you’re eating, and the way that
you’re eating it.
To fix it you don’t need a miracle diet or the newest magic pill. You DEFINITELY don’t need to make yourself miserable.
Fact: Hitting the gym and doing all the cardio doesn't work for fat loss. Sure it's good for your heart. That's why it's called
The Goldilocks Method for Weight Loss!
A simple way of eating for women who just want to lose weight and keep it off.
No misinformation. No counting calories. No magic pills or restrictive dieting.
No spending a small fortune on a gym membership or expensive equipment. No carving hours out of your already jam packed day to exercise.
Best of all? No going to bed hungry!
Just real food, actual fat loss and the most liberating feeling ever of NOT craving carbs & feeling terrible all afternoon.
Just Imagine…
Knowing what foods actually work FOR your metabolism and not against it (hint: it’s DEFINITELY not what you think).
Getting dressed in the morning without scrutinizing your outfit from every angle.
Having a latte or chocolate without feeling guilty or 'blowing your diet'.
Going through a day WITHOUT stressing out about what to eat or when.
Let Me Introduce Myself Properly
I created the Goldilocks Method because I got so tired of weight loss & wellness being all about kale salads with no mention of a latte, a
fun night out, or chocolate.
My mission is simple and it's something that I am wholeheartedly passionate about.
I teach women who just want to lose weight and cut through the misinformation a simple way of eating that works.
Let me back up a bit...
When I started my career in Naturopathic medicine I thought that I NEEDED to have a plant based almost vegan diet to be credible and healthy.
So I ate that way.
I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I was still overweight, and tried to use willpower to avoid the foods I knew were bad for me (like my latte,
non-lean meats and chocolate).
I was eating 'healthy' food all the time, and it didn't work. Maybe you can relate?
Cutting Calories Doesn't Work When Your Insulin Is Out of Whack
All those ‘miracle diets’ aren’t taking into account the fact that a calorie is NOT just a calorie. Different foods are
processed by your body in VERY different ways, and they can cause either more fat storage or they can help you burn it off.
When You Eat & Digest Food
The energy from that food (in the form of sugar) is sent into your blood. Once your body detects that sugar, insulin is sent into your blood to
pick up the sugar and deliver it to the working muscles. Problem is, if the muscles aren’t working (i.e. you're sitting at your desk,
or on the couch), insulin then happily stores that energy as fat.
Here’s The Important Part
Different foods send different amounts of energy (sugar) into your blood. Some send it all very quickly while others spread it out over
time. When too much sugar is sent into your blood all at once, too much insulin is released which takes all that sugar out and ends up
storing it as fat.
Now Your Blood Sugar Is Too LOW
This causes you to crave MORE of the fast digesting, sugar flooding foods to bring it back up quickly. This is the vicious blood sugar cycle
you’re stuck in right now and it’s why you can’t actually lose fat and why you keep craving the bad stuff.
Stress Works The Very Same Way
It causes high blood sugar, then low blood sugar and intense carb cravings, all the while storing that extra energy as FAT (usually right
around your belly).
This Is Why I Created the Goldilocks Method for Weight Loss
In it I'll teach you how to balance your blood sugar and insulin, avoid carb cravings and banish stress eating all while you start losing
fat and keep it off.
Using this strategy you literally CANNOT help but burn fat and increase energy daily.
Balanced insulin and blood sugar is the key to fat loss.
Not only will I teach you exactly what to eat to STOP that wicked cycle, in the Goldilocks Method you'll also have full accountability,
motivation & support to actually implement these changes so you literally CANNOT fail.
You will receive weekly audios and pdfs on:
1. Fundamental Guide-they whys and how to get started
2. Quick Food Reference List and Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Recipes
3. How to Track your Macros
4. Hydration Guide
5. Intermittent Fasting Guide
6. Meal Planning
7. Troubleshooting Guides
8. The Lifesaving Ultimate Eating Out Guide
9. 9 weeks of meal plans, a specific foods and snack list, omnivore and vegetarian options
* If you choose the DIY portion of the program, you acknowledge that you are not currently a patient of Dr. Stephanie Farwell, ND and undertake
any risk in doing so. If you want more personalization and guidance, and live in Ontario people consider becoming a patient of the clinic. *
You get in clinic, weekly check-ins! We do your weight, measurements, body fat% etc.
This allows you to stay accountable during the program. Which in my experience is very important for success!
Your weekly check-ins will be 15 minutes each and are covered under ‘Naturopathic medicine’ for private insurance companies.
If you’d like to book in for the program for the in-clinic patient check in portion go to: . Just ensure that you book in for the correct time slot (as stated above) and leave
me a note that you intend to join the program. Or just quickly email me at or call the clinic at 519-954-9168 and I’ll book
you in! If you are a New Patient and wish to join (either locally or online in Ontario) just book yourself in under the ‘New Patient’
I am so excited about this program and I can’t wait to help you in own weight loss journey!
If you’re still not sure. I thought I would address some additional information about the program and some commonly asked questions to
ensure this the right program for YOU!
You'll have access to all of my strategies such as intermittent fasting and carbing up. This let's you work through any weight
loss plateaus with ease. You'll also learn how to eat out without derailing your progress and essential travel tips.
You’ll Learn How To Stop Eating 'Healthy' & Exercising Like Crazy Today & Start Seeing Actual Weight Loss.
You're Perfect For This If:
➢ You can't seem to get rid of your belly fat no matter what diet you try or pill you buy and you're crazy bloated.
➢ You need accountability and support and proper medical supervision
➢ You want to figure out what foods you NEED to be eating going forward, and the ones to stay away from.
➢ You're sick of all the diet misinformation and you want to be empowered, NOT restricted.
➢ You're sick of spending hours doing cardio and not seeing any results.
You Might NOT Want To Enrol If:
➢ You enjoy depriving yourself and don't mind dieting OR you already know exactly how to eat to feel vibrant & well (and your
weight is exactly where you want it).
➢ You’re a vegan (I’m not an expert in this type of eating so you probably want to find someone who is).
With The Goldilocks Method, I am empowering you to take control & take charge of your body. Learn the foods that actually fuel your
metabolism and balance your blood sugar. Learn how to incorporate the other foods as treats.
What’s the difference between this time and every single other diet you’ve ever tried. They weren’t about YOU or YOUR body.
They weren’t even about actual food. The Goldilocks Method is. You’ll start fueling your body with the foods you actually need (not
what you THINK you need) to get results!
Don’t Put Off The Body & The Confidence You Deserve Any Longer. Start The Goldilocks Method for Weight Loss Right Now & Say
Goodbye To Rabbit Food Forever!
How much time will this take? I'm already overextended as it is.
The recipes are easy. They don't require you to spend hours in the kitchen working with complicated hard to find foods-who's got time
for that?
Will I be starving?
Not with this program! Not only will you eat real food for your meals, you'll eat plenty of it. Plus you'll be eating formerly
forbidden foods like butter, beef, bacon and eggs!
Do I have to shop at specialty health food stores?
Nope. Plain old grocery stores will work just fine. Yup-grabbing a BBQ chicken on the way home from work is definitely still an option.
What if I have a question? Do you provide any support?
Troubleshooting guides are provided to answer any questions. For the In clinic portion, you can ask questions at your weekly check-ins.
Do I have to cook everyday?
Not if you don't want to. Look-I'm a mom with a very full time job and I'm lucky to spend 25 minutes on dinner. The recipes
I'll provide you with can be made ahead (yay batch cooking) or made super quickly. I'll also teach you how to eat out without killing
your blood sugar and feeling awful afterwards. The point is you can tailor this program to your lifestyle. It's not about having to eat
specific meals at specific times-it's learning HOW to eat so you can control your blood sugar, balance your hormones and stop storing fat.
That's it.
Do I have to eat all organic?
Nope. I mean you can but your success doesn't hinge on that. Organic is an important topic, but it's not what this program is about.
I'll be happy to talk you through it and help you make up your own mind though.
What kind of food will I be eating?
Honestly-regular old food like meats, fish, beef, veggies, avocados, butter, cheese, etc.
I will warn: you-no 'diet' food is involved in this program.
I can't wait to see you inside the program! Again, if you want to book:
Okay good! So that’s really all you need to do to get going….now go ahead and do that right now, and let’s get this
party started!!!
I can’t WAIT to see you succeed!
Talk real soon!
Dr. Stephanie Farwell, Naturopathic Doctor, Bowen Therapist and Reiki Master
Refund Policy
Unfortunately there are no refunds after purchase as this is a downloadable program.
Medical Disclaimer
This course contains information with the sole intention of aiding the reader to be better informed and consumers of health care. It is presented
as general advice on health care and is for information and educational only and is not specific to the reader. Information and opinions in this
course is provided without warranties, including it being accurate, up-to-date, complete or being non-misleading. Information provided in regards
to conditions are only general in nature. It does not cover all possible actions, uses, contra-indications, side effects and interactions of
medicines or any medical procedures. It is not to be used as a replacement for professional medical advice and care. Always seek and consult a
licensed and regulated health care professional for your individual needs wherever and whenever indicated.
Before initiating any new exercise, nutritional or healthcare program one should seek medical advice from your personal physician and/or
licensed, regulated health care professional. The information in this course is not to be construed as personal diagnosis or advice, and must not
be used in this manner.
This course is not intended to be substitute for the medical advice or opinion of a licensed and regulated health care professional and/or
physician. Dr. Stephanie Farwell, ND should not be held liable should a user suffer from any loss or injury after relying upon the information in
this course. The reader should consult with their personal doctor or licensed, regulated health care professional in any matters, including
medical advice, opinion, diagnosis and treatment suggestions, or in any matters relating to his/her health. You should never delay seeking,
disregard medical advice or discontinue any medical treatment due to information contained in this course. If you suspect or have an existing
health problem, you should contact a licensed, regulated healthcare professional for immediate treatment.