Does IVF fill you with Dread? Maybe it should. There is another option!

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Does IVF fill you with Dread? Maybe it should. There is another option!

I got a call the other day. A woman crying. She just blurted all that she had been through recently, trying to get pregnant. And yet again, failing. She expressed how confused and sad she was to me.

My heart felt her pain. I just listened for a moment. Giving her the space to unload her burden.

She told me that she found me online and was hoping that I would be answer to her prayers.

She was desperate and would try absolutely anything to get pregnant!

I told her I was. I then proceeded to tell her about the Angel Fertility program that I now developed over my 16 years of addressing infertility in my clinic.

I told her that it has everything you need to know not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually to ready herself to finally attain her dream.

Of getting pregnant.

She paused and took it all in.

She then asked the price.

I told her. Then hesitation set in. After a moment though, she decided to book in her first appointment with me!

No Show.

You said that you would do anything, anything to get pregnant?

That you were desperate and would try anything that would help.

I am told by so many of my fertility patients of the struggles of family and friends in the area of fertility.

I hear from nurses that work in Fertility clinics, how backed up they are with women desperate to start their family.

And yet, I have developed an all-encompassing, highly successful program and technique in my clinic and the price is a hesitation?

Compared to IVF and any other fertility technologies, the Angel Fertility program is a steal! And to be honest, it won’t be for long.

The average cost of a round of IVF in Ontario, is over $10,000 to $15,000 PLUS any additional cost for fertility drugs or tests! With countless of appointments, medical procedures and injections.

There is no guarantee of success. In fact, the average success rate is 16 %?! (1)

Why so low?

It is so low because forcing the body to do something that it is obviously not ready to do, or you would get pregnant naturally, is not always the best approach. Power vs. Force.

True power comes innately, from within. Following the Laws of Nature. From what is natural.

If one’s body is out of balance one needs the Power of true healing. Of wisdom, true knowledge and love.

My successes speak for itself:

I have had a patient that had 6 miscarriages and 2 IVF failures, to get pregnant naturally under my care, finally carry her baby to full term and have a healthy baby girl!

I revealed to another patient of mine that intuitively I knew that her husband needed to be assessed for issues in regards to his sperm. He had a cystocele that was impeding his sperm. After surgery they got pregnant with twins!

I had a 42 year old women that desperately wanted to get pregnant. She was doing ‘everything’ right with no success. After I helped her realize that working 60 hours a week was not getting her to her ultimate goal of getting pregnant, and Fertility Reiki and acupuncture, she had a healthy baby girl!

I have SO many of these cases in my clinic!

And yet, there are so many women out there thinking that there is only ONE way.

This is simply NOT true.

We have forgotten that our body knows what to do but may need assistance due to imbalances or outside influences.

We have been bombarded with messages about how infertility now is just so common and the only solution is IVF.

We have been told that after a certain age, our chances to get pregnant are so slim! So don’t waste time, just do IVF right away.

Don’t question WHY our body is struggling to do what is natural for it.

Don’t ask if there is a better, safer and dare I say cheaper way to get pregnant.

One that involves care, nourishment and connection.

Love, openness and support.

Life is not cold, lifeless and mechanical.

Nothing can prepare your body for pregnancy better than naturally balancing your hormones, nourishing your body properly.

To releasing mental/emotional and energetic blocks that preventing you from getting pregnant.

Not only does my program cover all of these, but it also includes my ‘secret sauce.’

This secret sauce is what I used to know that my patient’s husband needed to be addressed in order for them to get pregnant.

This is why my Angel Fertility Clinic was created. For those that know there is a different path for them and their baby.

There is another way that you can try first, that will greatly enhance your chances naturally.

It is also the perfect for preparation and support if IVF is needed for you to become pregnant, even if in my clinic, this is rare.

Let’s take the first step in preparation for your fertility journey.

A step that ensures a holistic understanding that honours all of YOU, what you value, and your physical, and mental/emotional health.

Join Today!

Link in Bio!


  1. ANZARD Report 2016. Australia & New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD): UNSW/FSA, 2018

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