Should you put all of your hopes, money and faith in IVF first?

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Should you put all of your hopes, money and faith in IVF first?

When you are struggling with fertility, your first instinct may be to go straight to a Fertility clinic that provides IVF or other fertility technologies.

You think that endless sets of cold tests and assessments will give you the answer to your struggle.

After 16 years of working with many couples on infertility, I can tell you from personal experience that If a woman’s hormones are out of whack, if her body and/or mindset does not allow for a pregnancy to occur or to keep, IVF may be of little help.

The thought process is that is she is not ovulating, let’s just give her something to jumpstart ovulation. And yet, if her eggs are not healthy, the chromosomal abnormalities will most likely end up in miscarriage. Increasing age makes this risk more prevalent.

If her partner’s sperm is not motile, morphologically healthy or high enough in number, it is less likely to get viable embryo for IVF to even be able to be done!

There are SO many factors that need to be addressed naturally first BEFORE going for IVF. And in many cases IVF is no longer needed. I repeat, once many of the underlying issues are addressed, many times IVF is no longer required.

Getting pregnant naturally is not only less risky, no need for extensive tests or copious amounts of hormones that are unnatural for the body, less stressful and straining on a couple. It is WAY less costly in the long run.

Addressing one’s fertility naturally, also really enhances your overall health and well-being.

If you think about it, optimizing your fertility naturally has all of the upsides with none of the downsides.

Thinking overall picture in regards to fertility really is the answer that so many are searching for right now.

Ready to start your fertility journey? Join my fertility program NOW!

Fertility program from Dr. Stephanie Farwell Naturopath, Bowen, Reiki (stephaniefarwellnd.ca)



  1. ANZARD Report 2016. Australia & New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD): UNSW/FSA, 2018
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