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The winter season can be so beautiful! There is nothing like the feeling of looking at the soft falling of a dust of snow on a late winter’s night. Having a steaming cup of hot cocoa after a long winter’s walk. Yet, on the flip side, this time of year can be a challenging time for us Canadians! Having to bundle up just to fetch your mail that is a mere 2 minutes away from your doorstep, travel plans being easily deterred due to last minute snow squalls, and sightings of the sun can be sparse.

The weather seems to be rather moody this year, between being super snowy and bone chilling frigid to rather mild. This constant fluctuation can wreak havoc on one’s immune system. It creates a constant balancing act that your immune system needs to keep up with. Any source of stress will take away its focus and energy. Stress can come in numerous forms from mental stressors from one’s daily workplace, and physical stressors from lack of sufficient exercise or staying up too late (any patient of mine knows that this is a challenge for me J). So, I thought that I would write up a short blog on how to boost one’s immune system easily and efficiently.

  1. Boost your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a great immune booster! You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits and berries. Adding a handful to your morning smoothies or having a bowl of fruit for breakfast are a great way to add these to your diet. Supplementation can also be helpful!
  2. Enhance your intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a nutrient has many important roles in the body. Most people are aware that it is vital in the building and maintenance of healthy bones. It is also an immune booster! You can eat salmon, tuna etc. to enhance your vitamin D intake. If you are concerned about possible mercury contamination, you can also get vitamin D from purified/filtered Cod Liver Oil. You can also supplement it via capsules or drops; I find drops are the easiest way so that I don’t have to take so many capsules.
  3. Get sunshine! When the sun does peek out, get outside! It will help to boost your mood and what little skin exposed will help to boost one’s vitamin D. Getting light exercise by taking a walk will also help you to refresh your lungs and mind.
  4. Detoxing regularly. I bet this is one that you may not have thought of. If you drain and move the lymph and cleanse your detox organs, such as the liver and kidneys, then the body will have a lesser burden of toxins which eventually results in outbreaks on the skin, or a build-up of mucous in various body systems. Toxic build up also prevents the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals that aid the immune system in doing its job effectively.
  5. Getting restful sleep! This is vital to allow for the body to rejuvenate and to regenerate. One needs to balance sleep with stress and exercise. If either side is off, then it will have an adverse effect on your overall health and well-being.
  6. Immune boosting herbs are also extremely helpful when indicated. I take these on a daily basis to keep my immune system working optimally from being exposed to various colds etc. in clinic. If you would like to discover what herbs would be best suited for you on an individual basis, please contact the clinic to make an appointment.

There are many ways that you can support your body in keeping your immune system vital and balanced. Simple stuff that you can do every day in an attempt to offset your external and internal stressors to keep you healthy. Balancing exercise and rest, knowing when to support your detoxification systems, and learning what nutrients, vitamin and minerals, and herbs that can support your overall vitality. If you would like to learn what would work well for your individual constitution, book an appointment today! Contact me at info@stephaniefarwellnd.ca or call the clinic at 519-954-9168.

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