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Been feeling tired and foggy minded lately? Suffering from headaches more frequently? Have you been having trouble with your sleep and are more achy in the morning when you get out of bed? It may not be your age! Or has your digestion become less predictable, is your morning coffee no longer causing you to have your essential morning bowel movement…it is funny how something like this can give you a wonderful day or a crappy one, pun intended!

All of these symptoms can be caused by an overburdened body. Want a simple solution in dealing with these symptoms that address them at the root? Detoxification! The intuitive process that the body uses to release the toxins that it has accumulated over time. Normally, the body knows how to do this on its own. However, with the increase of processed foods, chemical food additives and pollutants, and external stressors, such as EMFs; the body now needs more assistance in its detoxification efforts.

Conflicting information regarding detoxes seems to blanket the media these days. The options range from kits with a variety of pills to extreme regimes, such as fasting. While all methods of detoxification may have their own merit, it is important to determine which one is the most efficient, suited and safe for your particular constitution, health condition/status and goals. That can be where a Naturopathic Doctor can be extremely helpful to guide you!

Like changing the oil in a vehicle, proper and medically supervised detoxification of the body, allows for these toxins to be gently and safely released to allow for optimal functioning of the body as a whole to become re-set and renewed.

What are the benefits of doing a detox?

Most of my patients report:

  • an increase in their energy
  • a clearing of their skin
  • better digestion
  • joint pain relief
  • less headaches
  • clearer thinking

…And a new motivation for life! As an offshoot for proper detoxing, patients also generally report a loss of excess weight around their midsections, and a renewed vigor for exercise and healthier lifestyle choices!

Ideally, a person will undergo a detox program from 2-4 times a year, depending on their health goals and constitution.  The change of each season is an optimal time to cleanse the body to prepare the body for the upcoming annual cycle.

What are the choices for detoxes?

Detoxing can be done through a variety of different methods. In my practice I prefer to use homeopathic drainage, herbal tinctures and/or gemmotherapy along with proper nutritional support.  As a Naturopathic Doctor, I do individual assessments to determine what cleansing method will optimally fit each patient’s lifestyle, health concerns/conditions and long-term goals.  Proper detoxification will allow for minimal adverse effects (due to toxin overload and release) and will allow you to become better acquainted with your own body! Education and self-awareness are the keys to optimal health and wellness! If you are interested in undergoing a detox, please call the clinic at (519) 954-9168 or email me at info@stephaniefarwellnd.ca

 “In order to get more flow in all areas of your life, detox seasonally and regularly move your body!”

 ~ Dr. Stephanie Farwell, ND

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