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Many people think that you do a detox only a few times a year. The body needs to cleanse daily in order to function optimally. If one’s body is unable to clear itself of toxins on a regular basis dysfunction can occur. Toxic build up can lead to subtle illnesses, such as sinusitis, to more severe degenerative, inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. When the body’s elimination pathways, such as the colon, become impeded and unable to function properly, a person can no longer absorb the essential nutrients needed to sustain an overall healthy body.

Here are 5 simple ways that you can assist your body in detoxing daily:

  1. Water and lemon in the morning. The body is dehydrated after a night’s rest. Drinking a glass of water on waking can help to rehydrate the tissues. Lemon acts to awaken the liver (the main detoxifying organ) and acts as an astringent in the G.I. tract. An astringent will collect any excess debris and mucous allowing for them to be properly expelled from the body.
  2. Dry Skin Brushing. One can easily stimulate the lymphatic system doing a technique called dry skin brushing. The lymphatic system is one of the most important detoxification systems of the body. It picks up the toxins released from the cells metabolic processes, acting as a trash collector for them. Unfortunately, the lymphatic system is a very sluggish one and needs extra assistance to get it moving. Built up lymph can lead to swelling of the tissues and toxic accumulation in the entire body. To do dry skin brushing you need to get a natural bristle brush with a long handle. Start brushing upwards from the feet-calves-thighs-buttocks-back-stomach-chest-and up each arm. Always brush toward the heart. Do this for about 1-2 minutes prior to a bath or shower. This technique even helps to eliminate cellulite!
  3. Deep Breathing. Respiration is an elimination avenue of the body that many don’t think of. It allows for the carbon dioxide to be released and for proper oxygenation of the tissues. Breathing also has the additional benefit of calming the nervous system. A simple way of practicing deep breathing is to breathing in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds. Do this 10 times. Prior to going to bed is a great time to reset and release the stress from the day, and to calm the nervous system in preparation for sleep.
  4. Water, water, water! Simple, yet most people underestimate the importance of keeping the body hydrated. Dehydration causes one’s fascia to contract and leads to pain in the body (see my Bowen Therapy section for a more detailed explanation of fascia!). Which is the reason that people undergoing Bowen therapy for pain need to ensure their body is properly hydrated for healing to occur. A great way to ensure you are drinking enough water is to get a large water canteen and carry it with you throughout the day. Drinking filtered water is best, one that filters out harmful chemicals, such as fluoride.
  5. Fiber. A great way to ensure the bowel lining is cleansed is to ensure you take in enough fiber. Insoluble fiber acts like a puffed up sponge, it sweeps or cleanses away mucous and excess debris from the cellular lining of one’s colon. It is useful to prevent constipation. An example of insoluble fiber is wheat bran. Soluble fiber, such as Chia seed, turns into a gel like substance. The gel substance acts to absorb food components, such as cholesterol and sugar, and delay their absorption. This can help with blood sugar stabilization, for example. Fiber can be easily added to water in the form of simple powders or to take them in capsule form. It is also found in fruits and vegetables and they taste better!

There are many simple and easy ways to cleanse and detoxify the body on a regular basis. This will deter toxin buildup and keep your body functioning optimally! Allowing you to stay vibrant and healthy! If you would like to do a directed detox with me, give my clinic a call (519)954-9168 or email me at info@stephaniefarwellnd.ca

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