Archive by month: 2017-12Return
Haven't Changed Anything in Your Diet But Still Gaining Weight?
You are positive that you're not eating more food or “junkier” food but you're still gaining weight. Is this possible? Yes! You are NOT crazy! And here's why. We both know that the whole “calories in, calories out” argument is an overly simplistic view of weight.
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All About Digestive Enzymes

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All About Digestive Enzymes
Not everyone should be taking digestive enzyme supplements; and not all of them are created equal. As a practitioner, I find that many people with digestive issues want to jump straight into using a supplement. And many times I would rather try other strategies first. Not to mention, that some supplements can be harmful if used inappropriately.
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Five Weight-Loss Friendly Snacks You Will Love
The words “weight-loss” and “snacks” often appear in the same sentence. But that might also bring thoughts of "tasteless," "cardboard," and "completely unsatisfying." Right? Let me give you my best weight-loss friendly snacks that aren't just nutritious but also delicious! What’s my criteria you ask?
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Dairy Intolerance (Lactose, Casein, and Whey)
Having a food intolerance is not fun. It can cause abdominal pain, discomfort, and nausea. It also causes embarrassing symptoms like flatulence and diarrhea. Other symptoms linked to food intolerances include: muscle or joint pain, headaches, exhaustion, and even skin symptoms like rashes and eczema. Dairy is just one of those foods that many people seem to be intolerant of. Let’s talk about the main components of milk that people react to: lactose, casein, and whey.
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