Archive by month: 2021-12Return
Does IVF fill you with Dread? Maybe it should. There is another option!
I got a call the other day. A woman crying. She just blurted all that she had been through recently, trying to get pregnant. And yet again, failing. She expressed how confused and sad she was to me.My heart felt her pain. I just listened for a moment. Giving her the space to unload her burden.She told me that she found me online and was hoping that I would be answer to her prayers.She was desperate and would try absolutely anything to get pregnant!I told her I was. I then proceeded to tell her a...
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Do you want your story or do you want a baby?
Harsh I know. But if you can hear me out, you will become unstuck.You will finally move in the direction of what you want.Your womb is for creation. To hold a life to birth it.Did you ever consider that you will be using your womb energy to birth a story instead of your baby?What have you placed in your womb of creation?A story of struggle? Of always being abandoned? Fears of pregnancy or infertility?What you put in your womb will develop and will grow.If you feed the story more, it will continu...
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