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5 top foods for thyroid

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5 top foods for thyroid
The thyroid is a very important gland that releases hormones for performing various body functions. Any imbalance in its secretions and malfunctioning of thyroid can cause several health issues. Your body requires a balanced amount of certain hormones. Both the overproduction and underproduction can be harmful to your body and can badly affect the normal body functioning. For instance, it affects the fertility, mood and body weight as well.There can be several reasons for the malfunctioning of t...
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The Fertility Paradigm needs to change!
I have been reading so many different stories about people’s fertility journeys outside of my clinic. I wanted to get my finger on the pulse of the industry.Here is my concerning assessment.It is heartbreaking, a struggle and void of any play or joy.I do not make this statement lightly.This shocked me. It really did.You see, in my clinic, this is not the predominant story.Sure, when people come in struggling with fertility, there is a certain heaviness there.At first.And yet, that is NOT w...
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