Archive by month: 2018-8Return
Your Weight Loss Journey Begins With A Plan Right? Nope! Here’s What To Start With
In the beginning of my weight loss journey, honestly, everything made me hungry! ;) That was simply because we (as a society) have been conditioned to view weight loss as an activity of deprivation. I was no exception to this rule. This view can activate many different 'shadow' emotions from within. What do I mean by this? Have you been feeling terribly overwhelmed but have no way of taking the time out for yourself to rest and regroup? This feeling needs to come out somewhere, and ...
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Can't Meditate? Here are 9 Other Ways to Break Free From Stress
I know! Meditation is the secret sauce to take your wellness up to the status of the elite gurus. It’s the “be all, end all” for the health of your entire mind-body-spirit. It’s the absolute must-do that is the only path to beating the infamous health-buster called “stress.” Don't get me wrong; practicing meditation is an excellent approach to optimizing your health and overall well-being. Meditation is great for relieving and dealing with stress, and all of the issues that come alo...
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How Do I Know if I Have a Leaky Gut?
"Leaky gut" is a popular topic in the health and wellness spheres these days. It's been blamed for many symptoms and conditions that seem to be all-too-common. Allergies, intolerances, joint pain, even autoimmune diseases can all be linked back to leaky gut. But what exactly is leaky gut? What causes it? What kinds of issues are related to it? And most of all, what can you eat for leaky gut?
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Need Help Going Dairy-free? Here are 6 Great Substitutes
If you're reading this, you likely are or are considering going dairy-free. You may have an intolerance, have been told to eliminate dairy, or just want to have less of it. If you do eat dairy, I suggest to eat the organic versions. Either way, dairy is not an essential nutrient, and there are lots of things you can have instead. These include not just milk, but also yogurt, butter, parmesan, and even pudding and ice cream!
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What to Avoid if You Get Migraines

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What to Avoid if You Get Migraines
Migraine headaches can be terrible. The pain, vision problems (including aura), nausea, etc. can be debilitating; especially if they stick around for hours or even days. Migraines affect about 15% of adults, so they’re fairly common. And, while the exact cause is not known, there are lots of known triggers. Many foods and drinks are common triggers of migraines. You may have noticed certain foods, and drinks trigger your migraines. Sometimes the migraine comes on within an hour of the food/d...
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